Code of Conduct
The MAYNE TIGERS Junior Football Club (the Club) strongly supports efforts by the AFL and QAFL
(the League) to –
improve player, parent, and supporter behaviour;
improve coaches development, skills and behaviour; and
ensure a high standard of behaviour from Club officials.
The Mayne JAFC Club Code of Conduct (the Code) outlines expected behaviours of Club players; parents and spectators; coaches; and officials. By registering with the Club as a player or volunteer, you agree to abide by the Code. By signing the Code Register you acknowledge that as a member of Mayne JAFC you have read, understood, and agree to abide by the Code and accept the consequences for any breaches.
The Club requires every player and their parent/caregiver, team coaches and Club officials to –
receive a copy of the Code;
have the Code explained by the Team Manager and/or Coach or Head of Football as appropriate; and
sign that they have received it, had it explained and agree to abide by it.
Teams will receive a copy of the Code through their Team Manager at the start of the season. The Club’s Head of Football will speak to Coaches and Team Managers; and the Club President will speak to the Club Committee about the Code.
Player Code of Conduct:
Play by the rules – the rules of the Club and the laws of the game.
Never argue with an umpire or official – accept their decision and get on with the game.
Control your temper on and off the field while you wear your club uniform.
Be a team player - don’t be negative to team-mates - build each other up and support each other even when they may have made a mistake.
Respect your coach and team officials and do what they ask.
Respect team selection and other players coming into your team. Coaches and selectors decisions are final and are not for players to argue.
Show good sportsmanship to opposition players: shake hands at match end; apologise if you have done something wrong; congratulate them on something done well.
Play to enjoy the game and to improve your skills.
Never verbally abuse others, including comments that are based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.
Bullying will not be tolerated in any form either verbal or physical.
Remember, any form of poor behaviour while in your club uniform not only reflects poorly on yourself, but also your team, your coach, and the Club.
Parent and Supporter - Code of Conduct
Encourage participation but don’t force it.
Teach that enjoyment is more important than winning.
Never ridicule mistakes or losses – supporters are there to support not to criticise.
Lead by example by demonstrating respect for all players, coaches, umpires and spectators and insist that your child and their supporters also show this same respect.
Do not allow or participate in any form of verbal abuse including remarks based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.
Understand that physical abuse or intimidation is totally unacceptable in all situations and will not be tolerated.
Recognise that the people involved are volunteers giving up their valuable time for your child.
Never publicly criticise umpires or seek to approach an umpire at any time – issues should be brought up only with the Team Manager.
Direct all concerns about behaviour of the team through the Team Manager and if required through the Club Committee and not directly to the league.
Acknowledge that a breach of this Code or the By-laws of the Club or League is likely to involve some sort of disciplinary action that could include a formal apology, suspension of a player or parent from future games or other sanctions and that you will support the Club in these matters.
Remember that you are there for the participants to enjoy the game.
Coaches Code of Conduct
Players must always be addressed in a controlled and positive manner.
No offensive language or cultural, sexist or racist references.
Coaches, where avoidable, are not to involve themselves in negative dialogue with opposition coaches, officials, players, spectators or umpires.
Coaches and Team Managers are responsible for the conduct of their officials, players and parents and should ensure that all behave in a responsible manner, accepting the decisions of all umpires and officials.
Abide by the Laws of the Game and Rules of your Club and the League.
Coaches are required to sign the AFL Code of Conduct as part of the Foundation Level Accreditation process.
Teach the Rules - rules are mutual agreements which nobody should break.
Group players competitively.
Avoid overplaying talented players.
Maximise fun: Place winning in perspective.
Devise training programs to suit all skill and maturity levels.
Develop team respect - for opponents, umpires and coaches.
Stress safety is always the priority.
Recognise the importance of proper injury treatment.
Participation in ESJFC Football Department activities to keep up to date with coaching developments.
Attain coaching accreditation and update regularly.
Observe and manage the behaviour of your players in accordance with the players code of conduct and support sanctions and consequences accordingly.
Team and Club Official Code of Conduct
Remember you are representing your club / league and setting an example to your players and their parents.
Try to resolve any conflict in a calm, sensible manner (when possible in private).
Be aware of potential volatile situations at all times and be prepared to deal with them appropriately.
Place the safety and welfare of the players above all else.
Ensure all players are included and can participate, regardless of their race, religion, cultural background, gender, sexuality, appearance, disability or football ability.
Be consistent, impartial and objective when making decisions.
Address unsporting behaviour and promote respect for other players and officials.
Ensure all players are respectful of equipment and club facilities.
Understand you will be required to determine, support and deliver, in consultation with the committee, any consequences for a breach of the Code by players, parents or other officials.
Consequences for breach of this code
The President will have absolute discretion for deciding how to best respond to concerns about an individual’s compliance with the Code. This decision will be made after consultation with the Club Committee and discussions with all relevant parties.
Where the President considers that the Code has been breached by a player, parent, coach or official, the President may implement one or more of the following consequences (and not necessarily in any particular order):
A request that the relevant conduct immediately cease.
A written warning.
The individual being banned from the Club grounds, either for a particular period of time or permanently.
The individual being excluded from Club activities or events.
Termination of the family’s membership with the Club – meaning termination of the registration of the player(s), whether it is the player that is in breach of the Code, or their parent is in breach of the Code.
This code was created and is endorsed by the Mayne JAFC Committee and is based on our Club values of FUN, FAMILY, FOOTY.